Money saved is money earned, so unless you plan on quitting shopping for good (let's real here...not happening), I think you'll appreciate these 11 easy tips on how you can save serious $$$ when shopping online. FYI, tip #1 is to shop online... Read More
Curious which candle have the best scents, throw or value? This review features candles from major brands and you might be surprised at the result.. Read More
I’m not a morning person, at all, so I need all the help I can get to start my day right (you know, after I hit the snooze button 20 times). So today, I’m sharing 5 amazing products that are the stars of my morning routine! My customized planner I try… Read More
Yes it's time for the popular 2017 printables roundup! As a firm believer that writing things down helps you remember them better, I've rounded up 20 beautiful and free printables that'll help you stay organized in 2017! Read More
If you read my blog regularly or follow me on Instagram, you might recognize some of my props. I started storing them all in a basket so they’re always at my disposal – it makes the setup and styling process so much easier! Here is a breakdown of… Read More
This is a bit of an unexpected post, and was inpsired after I found out a well-known Youtuber had just declawed her kitten. A string of curse words immediately ran through my mind, many of which I wanted to write in a comment on her blog. Then I wondered, did she even know what she was doing when she chose to declaw her poor kitten? Read More