7 steps to spend wisely + save money during sales season

Written By Jenny Wu on

With the Sephora VIB sale in full swing + a billion other sales going on, it’s hard to not throw money at these retailers, and you know, buy everything (I have the long-ass wishlists to prove it).

But rather than share the millions of products I want to buy, I figured it’d be good for everyone’s wallet if I shared my steps on how to spend wisely during the holiday sales season.

…because the struggle is real.


1. Don’t buy anything on sale that you wouldn’t want at full price.

I’ve lost count of how much stuff I bought simply because it was on sale, but I would’ve never even given a second glance at full price. My point? To hell with FOMO, just because it’s on sale doesn’t mean you need to buy it. On the other hand if there’s something you really want, and you’re simply waiting for it to go on sale, then by all means, buy it during the sales.

2. Is it perishable? Don’t buy it if you already have more than 3.

Perishable as in it expires, aka. the skincare and makeup goodies. I know us bloggers probably aren’t setting very realistic examples here, but no one needs 5 serums at the same time. We have them because we’re constantly testing and reviewing products (bless my skin for putting up with me), but in all honesty, my skin is happier when I can commit to just a few products total. Also, think about how much use you’ll actually get out of it before it expires, because the more you have, the less use you’ll get out of each one. Do the math.

Looking for some general money saving tips? You’ll enjoy this post: 11 money saving tips when shopping online

3. Put it in your cart, then sleep on it.

Go ahead and add the items to your cart, but before you click checkout, sleep on it. There’s a good chance the next morning you won’t be as enthusiastic about the purchase, or even better (or is it worse?), you’ll have completely forgotten about it. Basically this avoids impulse purchases, which let’s be honest, are usually as regrettable as every stupid drunken shenanigan you may or may not have committed.

What happens when you place 15 impulse orders at 11pm without first sleeping on it. source

4. If you have to convince yourself to buy it, don’t buy it.

Do you want to buy XYZ, but then the thought is lowkey stressing you out, so you desperately find reasons to justify the purchase? This phenomenon is called cognitive dissonance, and basically it’s a fancy psych term for how we rationalize our terrible decisions, keyword being terrible. If buying XYZ made sense, we wouldn’t struggle with it so much, would we? No one is having an internal conflict when restocking their favorite shampoo, but convincing ourselves that we need that super-gorgeous-limited-edition lipstick that looks like 20 other lipsticks we already own? Painful.

Looking for some Sephora-specific shopping tips? Check out The Sephora VIB Sale Roundup: what to buy and how to shop smartly

5. How will buying the product make you feel?

Are you going to feel stressed because you’ve spent so much money on something that you already have 15 of, or are you going to feel utter bliss because you’ve been waiting + saving for your unicorn [insert product type here] and now you finally own it? I like to take a leaf out of Marie Kondo’s book and invest in things that will bring me joy. So if the thought of buying or owning XYZ is going to bring me stress, guilt, and/or regret, pass! On the other hand, if you have 50 lipsticks, but you love them and want another one, and having that 51st lipstick is going to make you really happy, then you do you.

6 steps to shop smartly + save money during sales seasonPin
No I didn’t really need any of the products here, but buying and owning them has brought me so much joy and I have no regrets.

6. Keep track of how much you saved from NOT buying.

Seriously, for every item you didn’t buy, record the price, and add them up. You’d be surprised at how much money you can save in a year if you spend more wisely. That’s money that can go towards a dream vacation, a new home, a wedding, or a rainy day fund for emergencies.

7. Be careful of “value” sets.

A value set makes sense when you actually want most of the products in the set. But too often we buy them because we want just 1 or 2 of the products in there, and then we end up ignoring or hating the rest. There’s a Chinese saying that goes something like “don’t buy an entire chicken just because of a single scallion”. Likewise, don’t buy a “value” set because of a single product. Trust me, 90% of the time the value ain’t there.

By following these steps, I’ve curbed my beauty spending these past 3 months to just $57. Granted that’s going to change as soon as I place my Sephora order, but trust me when I say I’ve slept on that. For a looong time.

Hope you found this post helpful, and happy shopping (or should I say saving?) everyone!

PS. It’s been a hectic week for me at work, but I’ll try to respond to your comments soon! As always, I appreciate every single one of them, thank you all!!

Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

Passionate about science-based skincare. Tested hundreds if not thousands of products since my 20's. Working regularly with brands like iHerb, Ulta, CurrentBody, and MedStar Health to share my knowledge and experience in all things beauty. Learn more.

Skin profile: 35+, dry/combination, focused on well-aging, hydration, and a healthy glow ✨

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Me...I am so guilty of no. 1! Just today I am so tempted to order Becca Aspres Ski Eye Light palette even though Temptalia gave it a D- rating and I have never seen such low rating from her before. Why I wanted it? It was on sale... I managed to resist though but that's after talking to another blogger whom I trust. LOL!

Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity


Haha, I was tempted by that palette too when I first saw it, but when I think about all the palettes I already own that was enough for me to pass on it ???? Glad you were able to resist!

Linda Libra Loca

Oh yes, the sales sucking us in... I try to avoid that by not shopping sales with the exception of products I actually need to repurchase at the given time, but that doesn´t always work.

Anne|Linda, Libra, Loca


The bigger the sale the harder it is to resist too! The fear of missing out still gets me from time to time, though I'm getting better at resisting!

Sal UmmBaby

Oh my gosh! So many amazing and invaluable tips. I will be coming back here to remind myself of these constantly before I purchase something on a whim! You are so right though...all of these! Sometimes I will spend more just to save more. Ludicrous xxx


Yay, so glad you found the tips helpful! That's so true, in an effort to "save" we actually end up spending more than we would've if there hadn't been a sale, how ironic! ????

Laura @laurantaina

I was just typing my own version of this sort of a post.. Instead of re-writing the same tips I might just link your article. I've been on a beauty no buy since August and now the sales season is tempting me so badly. I don't have an access to a Sephora, but I know the Black Friday is coming sooner or later and I can feel it in my wallet (lol). Keeping a track how much you saved by not buying is a great idea! Happy weekend!

xx Laura / Laurantaina Beauty Blog


Thank you Laura! I know I said this already but I loved your post on this topic, you were so honest and that's always refreshing. I'm not sure if I can ever do a cold-turkey no buy, so all the power to you for keeping it up since August! ❤️


I've never read an article like this before, these tips truly helped me double think my decisions for when I will be shopping the Sephora Christmas sale! Thanks for writing this, it is very useful.

Catherine, https://lavishreviews.wixsite.com/website


So glad to hear that Catherine! Thanks for reading!


#1 is such a good point! there's been so many times in the past i've scoured the website just for something i can buy because it's on sale. I'm super picky with value sets for the same reason; i know i'm interested or i'll only get use out of less than half the products in there, so there's really no point in getting the entire thing.

becky @ star violet


Thanks Becky! Honestly that was me up until last year, and it's such a dangerous habit. 99% of the time I end up with products I don't even like that much :(

Prettypeach Blossom

This is so well written Jenny, I have stopped buying if I have a good products that need finishing up, I have also been luck enough to have PR companies that keep replenishing my stock. And I always think if I am
Continually buying what time to I have to try them. Great reminder that I am forwarding to my sisters and daughters.
Esnath @ www.prettypeachblossom.com


Thank you Esnath! I agree, as bloggers we are very fortunate to get enough PR samples to keep our stash full at all times, so for me it's all the more reason I should be mindful of my spending. Like you said, we only have one face to try out all these products! ????

Livia Ip

Awesome post!!! Love this concept especially at this time of year when it’s so easy to get suckered in!


Thank you Livia, so glad you liked the post!


This is such a great post! I hate shopping with my mum because she is so guilty of the first one, and she'll always try and convince to me to get something simply because there's money off! Such a good point about value sets too, it's such a shame to see half of the set wasted xx

Hannah | luxuryblush


Thank you Hannah! My mom is totally guilty of #1 as well, and I blame her for getting me sucked into sales when I was younger! ????

Sonia / Chanel

This post is everything Jenny! I always do the price per use, but I always know I don't need it if I have to sleep on it or ask five friends if I need it haha. Most times they tell me no haha

Chanel | Je M'appelle Chanel


Thank you Chanel! Asking friends is a great tip as well, I sometimes do that or I ask my husband, and his answer is usually no! ????


I love these tips! I'm so guilty of overspending during sales season, even on things I don't really want just because it's such a good deal. I usually end up regretting and feeling bad afterwards.

Joy to the World


Thank you Veron, so glad to hear that! I totally relate to that feeling, and honestly even though I bought a lot less during this year's Sephora sale, I feel a lot better because I know I'll actually love and use all the products!

Sam | VioletHollow

Such great tips Jenny! I agree its so hard to avoid sales this time of year but I like to focus on what I have and use before buying new things, which is hard sometimes but I normally end up forgetting all about that offer or set so Its normally the right call xx


Thank you Sam! I've definitely missed out on some sales because I've totally forgotten about them, and while I'd be annoyed at the moment, in the end I'm actually happy it worked out that way!

Frankly Flawless

Agree with all of these. The sleep on it is a winner for me and also only buy if you would buy it at full price. In the past I've bought so many things in the sale only to never use them x



Story of my past shopping habits ???? I always felt so bad when I clean out my drawers and see these barely used products expire :(

Naya // partyparrotblog.com

Wonderfully written guide Jenny! I kept nodding all along. I only buy things that I have wanted for a long time, but couldn't justify the price. 20% is not too bad after all xx


Thank you so much Naya! I agree, this is why I keep a wishlist year round so I know exactly what to get when the sales come along!

Sam Hodgett

All very helpful tips to share and definitely a few that I need to work on! Overspending is so easy, though for me I hate online shopping so I will likely buy it in stores which at times can be a lot more dangerous than it seems, swatching the products, thinking in the back of my mind that I probably don't have that specific lipstick colour yet and always adding way more in the basket once in the queue to check out. Will have to work on those tips!


So glad to hear that Sam! In store shopping is definitely more dangerous, especially when a sales associate gets involved, because then I feel pressured to buy ????

Rowena @ rolala loves

This is such a timely post since holiday shopping usually kicks into full force for most people around now. After massively decluttering, I adopted minimalism of sorts this year so my spending especially on beauty has been kept to a minimum this year as I've been actively working down my stash. I haven't even qualified for Sephora VIB status for next year yet and it actually makes me happy. People really need to assess whether it's a "want" or "need" when they buy something because most of the time it's the former. What you said about not buying anything on sale that you wouldn't want at full price is so on point!


So glad you agree Rowena! I did qualify for VIB next year with the help of my friends who used my discounts this year, and I think it's a great way to still get the discounts without forcing myself to spend $300+ on products :)


Number 1 is definitely my favorite and SUCH a good point. I wish I would have read this earlier, because I am totally guilty of buying something I wouldn't buy full price haha. At first I thought I disagreed with this (being honest), but as I started thinking about it, it's totally true. I think what happens is you basically then end up buying something just to buy it, and you might not be 100% in love with it. I did that with a Fresh bundle I think. Anyway, enough about me! These are super great tips! I love this post as opposed to a haul or recommendations. I think we all tend to go a little overboard during the sale (I actually didn't this year which is amazing). :)

-Emily www.coatandcoffee.com


Yay, so glad you think so Emily! And I don't expect people to 100% agree with all these tips, but for me personally these have helped me tremendously with cutting down my spendings, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to share :)

Marina Rosie

Like Emily, I 100% agree with number 1, despite the fact all of these tips are amazingly accurate. xx I always tend to pick up new bits to try primarily because of the price drop which I know I shouldn't do - in future I'll only pick something up if I really need it! x Haha, I don't set a good example either as, going along with your example, I own a lot more serums than I require right now! x Fab post! x
Marina xx


Aww thank you Marina! It's definitely tempting to pick up new things when they're released, but I find that the more I practice self-control, the better I get at it! :D

Cat L

This is such a helpful post! The struggle is definitely real, especially when it comes to sales!! I totally agree with you on value sets and typically steer clear. The one value set I did purchase during the Sephora sale was the Tatcha set. I love every single one of the products minus the facial mist which I find makes my skin look sweaty but hopefully I might like it in the winter months. Thank you for sharing this post, Jenny!
~ Cat L.


Thank you Cat! I actually wanted to pick up the Tatcha value set with the mist (which I adore), but sadly that sold out during the rouge sale, and I wasn't interested in any of their other sets. Ah well, at least I saved some money, haha ????


This is the perfect set of reminders, especially for this sale heavy season. It's so funny how easily we can convince ourselves to buy something because it's on sale, even though we may not want it at full price. Usually I just try to stay away from shopping online this time of year for that very reason. Thanks for the great post!

Kathryn • simplykk.com


So glad to hear that Kathryn! It's definitely tough because this is the time of the year when sales happen, so I try to do most of my shopping now, but at the same time I'm very tempted to overbuy things I don't want or need ????

A Very Sweet Blog

I kept AMEN-ing all of your tips, because they are so true! I skipped both VIB Rouge sales, because I truly didn't need anything. I was sent a lot of skincare this year through PR and I plan on using it up through the new year. I use REN skincare and it's only good for 6-9 mos. I think more bloggers are paying attention to the labels on products now. Product can go bad. I do place things in my cart or wishlist and think about it before purchasing. And sometimes a deal is not always a deal! You really have to weigh whether or not a deal is a deal. Excellent post


Aww so glad you enjoyed it, and kudos to you for resisting the temptation of the VIB sales! ???????? I don't think I'd be able to pass this particular sale up, even if I knew I didn't really need anything, haha ????

Face to Curls

Awesome tips and I was agreeing to everything. I only always purchase things I know I will use, not for the hype because everything is so darn expensive. xx

Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com/


Thank you so much Ann-Marie! I try not to buy new releases anymore either for the same reason, it can get extremely expensive when you're constantly trying to keep up with the hype!