From winter to spring: how to transition your skincare routine

Written By Jenny Wu on

Can you believe it’s mid-March already, and spring is just a week away? Now if only the weather would get on board (what happened to the gorgeous 70°F weather from February?) this topic would actually make more sense, because right now it still feels like winter to me. Give me all the facial oils and heavy creams!

Anyways, when it does eventually start warming up, the rich serums and moisturizers you were using during the winter might not be ideal anymore. I know that’s definitely the case with my skin, but does that mean we need a whole new set of products every time the seasons change? Absolutely not! You can easily transform your winter skincare into something spring-appropriate using products you already own!

From winter to spring: how to transition your skincare routinePin

Light toner + heavy cream = spring-ready moisturizer

We all know you can add a bit of facial oil to your moisturizer to make it richer, but what if we wanted to make it lighter? Add a lightweight toner or essence to your moisturizer to thin out the consistency. 

Depending on how much lighter you need your moisturizer to be, adjust the amount of toner accordingly. Make sure you mix it in your hand each time you apply it, don’t go pouring your toner into your jar of moisturizer!

However, if your moisturizer contains any actives or acids, mixing it with a toner/essence could disrupt its effectiveness. To minimize any issues, pick a toner with simple ingredients to mix with your moisturizer.

From winter to spring: how to transition your skincare routinePin

Thick toners + cotton pads = stickiness be gone!

I love a thick goopy toner like the Klairs Supple Preparation Toner for the winter but it can feel sticky during the warmer weather. The easiest way to minimize stickiness? Apply the toner with a cotton pad instead of your hands.

If you find that it’s difficult to soak a cotton pad with your toner, dampen the cotton pad first with a bit of water or even a simple facial mist like my favorite La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water!

Another great way to use your thicker toners is to do a lotion mask. You’ll need thick multi-layer cotton pads like the MUJI Facial Soft Cut Cottons, and again, dampen it with a bit of water/facial mist first. Apply the toner liberally until the whole pad is soaked, then peel off the layers and apply them on the various parts of your face. Wait 3-5 minutes, then peel off, and your skin will feel super hydrated.

Or you can go the easy route and buy compressed sheet masks and just drench that with the toner for a similar effect!

From winter to spring: how to transition your skincare routinePin

Rich serums + sheet mask = painless absorption

I’ve always applied my sheet masks after my toner and serum steps because the occlusive design + extra moisture from the sheet mask helps your skin absorb all the products you previously applied. So if you’re struggling with a serum that’s too rich or takes forever to absorb, try layering it before a sheet mask to help it out.

Read more: Oh sheet! 6 mistakes you might be making with sheet masks

For this to work, you’ll want to make sure the sheet mask you’re using doesn’t have a heavy/creamy essence itself. When in doubt, go with a mask that focuses on pure hydration, as those usually contain a lighter essence. My favorite lightweight + affordable masks to use are ones by My Beauty Diary , My Scheming, and Naruko (I’m partial to Taiwanese brands).

Read more: $2 indulgences – my top 5 affordable sheet masks

From winter to spring: how to transition your skincare routinePin

Facial oils + anything = so much awesomeness

Even though I have combo skin, I’m a huge fan of using facial oils in my routine, even during spring and summer. The trick is knowing how to use them so you don’t end up a shiny oily mess, and here are 2 methods I love for the warmer months:

  1. Mixing it with a toner/essence to create an emulsion. Similar to mixing a heavy cream with toner, the idea is to thin out the thicker consistency of the oil by adding a water-like product.
  2. Apply it before a sheet mask. This method creates a synergy between the oil and the sheet mask essence, increasing our skin’s ability to absorb ingredients. Plus, it’ll completely minimize any of that oily feeling of applying facial oils! Just keep in mind that occlusive oils won’t work well with this method.
From winter to spring: how to transition your skincare routinePin

So there you go, a lighter and fresher spring skincare routine just from your winter products! Hopefully you’ll have sheet masks, cotton pads, and a light toner/essence available for mixing, and if not, they’re worth the small investment as they can be used year round!

Hope you enjoyed this post, and let me know if you have any tips for a winter-to-spring skincare transition! Have a lovely week everyone :)

Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

Passionate about science-based skincare. Tested hundreds if not thousands of products since my 20's. Working regularly with brands like iHerb, Ulta, CurrentBody, and MedStar Health to share my knowledge and experience in all things beauty. Learn more.

Skin profile: 35+, dry/combination, focused on well-aging, hydration, and a healthy glow ✨

Comments & Questions

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Shireen L. Platt

Thank you so much for such amazing tips, Jenny! I never thought of mixing facial oil with a toner/essence and using it before sheet mask. I have alway applied facial oil as my last or second last step because I thought oil penetrates everything else. I will trial all these tips and see how each work for my skin. Thank you again, Jenny!

Jenny Wu

You're so welcome Shireen, so glad you found this post helpful! I think the mixing of facial oils really depends on the oil itself - it probably won't work with thicker more occlusive oils, but I've had great results when using lighter oils and oil blends. Hope you'll get good results too! :D

Elisa L.

you know, i always complain about me living in a tropical, humid country with no season but i can only imagine how much of a hassle it is if i were to live in a country with seasons, the trouble i have to go through because i may need more skincare products than what i have (i have the basics: cleanser, toner, moisturizer / SPF moisturizer if i need to go out)... i have combo skin too and i'm always annoyed with my oily T-zone because it's humid in here but wow, imagine if my combo skin suddenly turns dry if winter comes....i might actually need serums or oils on my face to avoid dehydrated skin! lol

anyway, the first tips is really helpful! as i've mentioned before, my innisfree moisturizer isn't gel based, it's actually cream based and although it's said to be meant for combo skin, i feel like it's a little too thick to my liking. i can't use it everyday on my T-zone tbh just because i'm so scared of turning into a greasy hotdog so the first tips is really useful for me. a question though: will there be some ingredients in the toner or moisturizer that will cause problems for this mixture? (e.g. don't use toner with alcohol in it etc)

random but have you written any guide regarding exfoliating? Like, scrub first then mask or something like that? I'm confused because some people say to exfoliate first then cleanse while others say the opposite. It'd be cool to read a step by step guideline on how to properly exfoliate and apply mask.

Jenny Wu

Haha, hopefully these tips will minimize the need for people to have 2 sets of products for 2 different climates - add a bit of oil for colder weathers, add a bit of watery toner for warmer weathers :P For the toner, I don't think alcohol will be an issue as long as there are no actives in the cream (eg. vitamin c and retinol), but I try to avoid alcohol in toners in general since they tend to be drying.

As for exfoliation, I've never heard of people exfoliating before cleaning, so it never occurred to me to write a guide like that ^^;; Generally you always want to clean first, exfoliate (whether it's a scrub or an acid), then continue with the rest of your routine. Occasionally I'll switch out my morning cleanser with a peeling gel since my skin is already pretty clean to start with, but that would be the only exception. As for masking, I don't think there's a rule for when to apply the mask, so I might write a post on that in the future of all the different options :P Thanks for the suggestion!


I never thought about using a sheet mask to help the serum underneath absorb, but it makes perfect sense! For me, transitioning into spring and summer means a change in oils towards lighter ones and using a lighter moisturizer, if any.
It has warmed up nicely here last week, so it finally feels like spring outside too.

Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

Jenny Wu

It's amazing how using a sheet mask can really help with product absorption! I used to switch my moisturizers whenever seasons changed, but now I do a lot more DIY mixing to help get just the consistency I need :)

Laura Elizabeth Buckle

I’ve been really enjoying your blog lately so I thought I’d include you in something a little different to what I usually do… the One Lovely Blog TAG! I was nominated a few weeks back and thought I’d show you my appreciation for your blog and content and let you know how much of a wonderful job your doing. If this is something you fancy, give it a go! But don’t forget to tag me in the post so I can read your response. Just head over to my blog to see the rules!
- Lau xx

Jenny Wu

Thanks for tagging me Laura, and so glad to hear you enjoy my blog!

Blush Canvas

This! I use pretty much the same products but layer them depending on the weather and how my skin feels. I use light moisturizers all year around as it can get really cold or humid here but I team up facial oils when my skin is more dry.

Advaita | Blush Canvas

Jenny Wu

That's a great tip Advaita! I've been on the search for the perfect-weight moisturizer to use year round (and add facial oils as necessary), but until then, at least I have the option to make it lighter with a toner :)


These products sound all great! Loving the photography as well



Jenny Wu

Thank you lovely! :)

Cat L.

Thank you for all these wonderful tips, Jenny! I never thought about adding toner or essence to my rich nighttime cream, but it sounds like such a great idea and very easy to implement. Will definitely try this for my morning routine. Also, you always tempt me with Naruko and I think I will be giving their products a try very soon! Sounds like such a lovely brand! Great post Jenny and beautiful photography!

~ Cat L.

Jenny Wu

Thank you so much Cat, so glad you found the tips helpful! :) Naruko has a huge range of products, but their sheet masks are the best in my opinion, plus they're very affordable! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on how mixing the essence with your night cream works!

Face to Curls

These are all such excellent tips Jenny! I'm a HUGE fan of facial oils too and used them every day as part of my skincare routine. They have made such a different to my dry skin but I have never thought of mixing facial oil with a toner/essence or even using it before sheet mask. That is definitely something to try. I just order some sheet masks from Sephora as I'm running low on my Korean ones. xx

Ann-Marie |

Jenny Wu

Thanks so much for reading Ann Marie, glad you found the tips helpful! I'm a huge fan of facial oils as well, but using them the traditional way hasn't always worked well for my skin, which is why I started researching different ways they can be applied :) Hope these methods work just as well for you!


Great ideas! I definitely have a few heavier creams to use up so I'm going to try mixing some toner into them! Thanks!

Jenny Wu

Thank you Camilla! I hope it works out well for you, can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! :)


Great post! I have definitely been going for a more moisturizing routine as of late. A little bit less toner, and more serums and creams. I also love a good vitamin c cream this time of year. Since I live in Arizona, and it gets so hot, I try to wear a lot less makeup in the summer because it just melts off. So during March I like to heavy up on the vitamin c to correct all the hyperpigmentation from the winter months! That way my skin is glowing. :)


Jenny Wu

Thank you Emily! Serums and moisturizers are always the star of my routine, though toners are nice for mixing and lotion masking :D I've started using a vitamin c serum as well to help prep my skin for the summer months when I'll be outdoors more!


Ooh this post gave me a lot of mixing inspiration! I have never combined oils with toners or anything, but sheet masks I always apply after my other skincare to maximise the absorption. This post was so well thought-out and beautifully photographed I can only salute you! Lotion masks are my new favorite - so much lighter than often thick essenced Taiwanese sheet masks. I think that's one of my transition tricks, otherwise I haven't transitioned much.. I'm still dry like a Sahara!

xx Laura / Laurantaina Beauty Blog

Jenny Wu

Glad to hear that Laura, and thank you for the lovely comment! I like to get creative with my skincare routine (I get bored easily...haha), so it's nice when I can switch things up without buying new products :) I agree, lotion masks are great for adding hydration without any stickiness when you're crunched for time!


You are a skincare genius! I can't wait to try layering products under my next sheet mask sesh. I hope we have a chance to chat about all things skincare over coffee someday, I'd love to pick your brain <3

Jenny Wu

Aww, thanks Andreanne ☺️ Yes, a chat over coffee would be lovely! I'll let you know if I ever visit Toronto (I used to live there, miss it a lot actually), or et me know if you ever visit Washington DC!


Yesss I love sheet masks!!!! :D Great tips!

xx Sofia | SOFIAADOT

Jenny Wu

Thank you Sofia! Sheet masks are my favorite skincare products! :)


I't a great idea add some toner or essence to the cream, never try it! Amazing tips, thank you so!
And love these lightful pics :)
With love,

Jenny Wu

Thank you Dasynka, glad to hear you found it helpful! :)


These products look absolutely amazing!! Thanks for sharing :)

Enclothed Cognition

Jenny Wu

Thanks for stopping by Keri! :)

Marina Rosie

This was fab as usual Jenny, I'm definitely going to have to try mixing in some toner with my heavier creams, sounds like such a good plan. And facial oils are just everything aren't they?! x
Lots of love,
Marina Rosie x

Jenny Wu

Thank you so much Marina Rosie! :) I'm so glad I decided to give facial oils a try, they're truly lifesavers during the dry winter months! <3


Lovely products you share in here! Thanks for sharing with us <3


Jenny Wu

No problem, glad you like them! :)


You have a marvelous skincare routine, I'm taking notes to buy some of this products and try them! ♥

Jenny Wu

Thank you so much Jen! If you do try any of these I'd love to hear your thoughts on them! :)

An Dang, TheBeauParlour

I have a super oily skin but I do recognize a few routines from you that I also use! The serum+sheetmasks is awesome and I learned it from you. I did this during the winter time (yes you talked about spring hehe) but I loved it so much <3 My Klairs toner is on its way and now I hear its quiet hydrated i'm kinda scared if it will work for my skin, even when i apply it on a cotton pad. Oh well, you will see a review about my experience with the Klairs toner soon! It was fun to read hon

XX, An ||

Jenny Wu

Thanks An! So glad you like the serum + sheet mask combo, I actually use this year round too :P The Klairs toner is definitely on the richer side when it comes to toners, but if you use it on a cotton pad I don't think it'll be too bad :) Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!

Heather Noire

Mixing facial oil is such a great tip! Jenny you have some amazing photos here and I love your guide :)

Jenny Wu

Thank you so much Heather, glad to hear that! :)


I've been doing the Korean skin care routine for a while now and I've recently been seeing others do things differently. I start with the Klairs toner, than get into my snail mucin essence, then i proceed to my Cosrx aha liquid, then my vitamin C20 serum then my oils then moisturizer. Both my serum and aha liquid are liquid form and many bloggers have been saying to apply them before my essence since it's an acid treatment. Is this true? Usually you're supposed to apply serum after essence, idk if there is an exception with vitamin c

Jenny Wu

Hi Melissa! That's correct that you should apply any AHA (eg. the CosRX aha liquid), BHA, or l-ascorbic acid (eg. the vitamin c20 serum) products first because they are actives and require your skin to be a specific pH level to work. You can learn more about the how and why here, hope this helps!